How-to Use Guide


1. Cup Sterilization:

- Before first use and at the beginning of each menstrual cycle, sterilize your Sati Cup.
- Use the provided sterilizer cup or boil the cup in hot water. Ensure the cup doesn't touch the bottom of the pot to prevent damage.
- Boil the cup for 5-10 minutes and allow it to cool before use.

2. How to Insert the Sati Cup:

- Wash your hands thoroughly.
- Relax and find a comfortable position – either sitting, squatting, or standing.
- Fold the cup using the C-fold, U-fold, or Punch-down fold, whatever is comfortable for you.
- Once folded, hold onto the Menstrual Cup firmly with your finger and thumb as low down the cup as possible while keeping it folded.
- With the other hand, part the labia(folds of skin around the vagina), find the entrance to the vagina and guide the Menstrual Cup up and towards your back.

3. Checking the Seal:

- Rotate the cup slightly to ensure it has fully opened and formed a seal.
- Run your finger around the base to confirm a secure seal.
- If you encounter resistance, it indicates a proper seal. Ensure the cup is positioned below your cervix and not too high in the vaginal canal.

4. Cup Removal:

- Wash your hands.
- Relax your muscles.
- Pinch the base of the cup to release the seal.
- Gently wiggle the cup from side to side while pulling it down.
- When the base of the cup is almost out, angle the Menstrual Cup slightly sideways to remove half of the rim before angling it the other way to release the other half. This ensures the Menstrual Cup slides out smoothly and remains upright with the fluid contained inside.
- Empty the contents of your Menstrual Cup into the toilet, rinse and reinsert.

5. Cleaning the Sati Cup:

- Rinse the cup with cold water first to prevent setting any stains.
- Wash the cup with a mild, unscented, water-based soap.
- Ensure all the suction holes are clear.
- Sterilize the cup at the end of your cycle.
- If you are in a public toilet, take a small bottle of water in with you to rinse your Menstrual Cup, or simply empty and reinsert. Ensure you wash your Menstrual Cup more thoroughly at the next convenient time. When traveling overseas, always use drinking water to clean your Menstrual Cup.
- Over time, your Menstrual Cup may become discolored but this will not reduce its effectiveness.
- If you notice any tears, splits, or any other changes in the appearance or texture of your Menstrual Cup, we recommend that you replace it.
- Never use petrol-based substances such as Vaseline, essential oils such as tea tree, strong or scented soaps, or dishwashers.

6. Odor and Stain Removal:

- Soak the cup in a mixture of water and a small amount of baking soda or vinegar for a few hours.
- Avoid using harsh chemicals or scented soaps as they may affect the cup's material.

7. Storage:

- Store the Sati Cup in the provided breathable pouch or another fabric pouch.
- Avoid storing it in an airtight container to prevent odors.

8. Determining Your Cervix Height:

- Insert a clean finger into your vagina and feel for your cervix.
- If you can easily reach it with the first knuckle, you likely have a low cervix. If you need to insert your finger deeper, you may have a higher cervix.

9. Choosing the Right Size:

- Small: Recommended for those with a low to medium cervix and a moderate flow.
- Large: Recommended for those with a medium to high cervix and a moderate to heavier flow.

10. Learning Curve:

- Understand that using a menstrual cup has a learning curve.
- Be patient, and don't get discouraged if it takes a few cycles to become comfortable.

11. Dealing with Leaks:

- The most common reason for leakage is not wearing the Menstrual Cup low enough in the vagina (see section entitled ‘how to insert your Menstrual Cup’).
- Check that you have trimmed the stem to the correct length for you (see section entitled ‘how to trim the stem of your Menstrual Cup’).
- Ensure that a seal has formed between the Menstrual Cup and your vaginal wall by running your finger around the side of the Menstrual Cup to ensure it is fully open, pinching the base of the cup (not the stem) and rotating the Menstrual Cup, or clenching your Menstrual Cup with your vaginal muscles.
- Check the tiny holes under the rim of the Menstrual Cup are clear, as these help to make the seal, which prevents leakage.
- If you have the size S Menstrual Cup and it continually moves around or leaks, then you may need the size L. If you find that the size L leaks, pelvic floor exercises can be very effective at strengthening the muscles that hold the Menstrual Cup in place.

- We recommend using a reusable or organic panty liner during your learning curve to provide an extra layer of protection and peace of mind.
- While you become accustomed to using the cup, it's common to experience minor leaks or uncertainties.
- The liner ensures added protection and helps you feel more confident as you navigate the learning process.

Remember, each person's experience may vary, so feel free to experiment and find what works best for you.

12. How To Trim Your Menstrual Cup

- The end of the stem should sit just inside your vagina. Vaginal length varies from menstruator to menstruator, so the stem is designed to be trimmed as required.
- Remember, the Menstrual Cup is designed to be worn as low as it will comfortably sit.
- Some women may need to remove the stem completely. It is best to practice removing your Menstrual Cup without using the stem before you do this (see section entitled ‘How to remove your Menstrual Cup’).
- If you find that the Menstrual Cup is uncomfortable when sitting or walking, or pinches the vaginal opening, then you probably need to remove a little more of the stem.
- Just make sure not to cut the base of the menstrual cup.